
Thursday, September 22, 2011

What to do with my hair???

I want to get my hair done Im thinking either to get my hair straightened or to get a sew in??? IDK

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hair a year later...

So I'm sitting here with my conditioner on my hair with a bag over it. I am feeling lazy and I really don't feel like rinsing the conditioner out. But I just thought about something while looking at pictures from my night out last night. I had so much fun BTW. BUT I have some pics from like a year ago on my phone and I can totally see growth! I just started back on my hair journey but I have maintained a no heat lifestyle over the years so I'm sure this helped me retain some growth. Looking at these old pictures have definitely given me extra motivation to keep the journey going. If I can retain growth without really working at it and just staying away from heat and tons if manipulation...the length I can retain with actually putting in work is endless! Kind the picof me in front of the blue wall is from 9/10 and the second is from last night. I can def see progress. Hopefully next year I will be near or at my goal! If I don't have a set back I believe I will be!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Awesome article for hair care

So I have not read the entire article but so far this woman knows her stuff....I recommend this article for anyone struggling with hair care and needs to take a crash course in hair care 101.  I like to read article like this over and over again so that it becomes second nature ! I am going product shopping today (I will post what I purchase) Last night I did a major detangle again....and I got about the same amount of hair so I am assuming that is my normal shed after 10-14 day that I got from my first post. I just wanted to quickly post this so I can keep the link.  Enjoy!